April 2015 in the Flink community
May 14, 2015 -April was an packed month for Apache Flink.
Flink runner for Google Cloud Dataflow #
A Flink runner for Google Cloud Dataflow was announced. See the blog posts by data Artisans and the Google Cloud Platform Blog. Google Cloud Dataflow programs can be written using and open-source SDK and run in multiple backends, either as a managed service inside Google’s infrastructure, or leveraging open source runners, including Apache Flink.
Flink 0.9.0-milestone1 release #
The highlight of April was of course the availability of Flink 0.9-milestone1. This was a release packed with new features, including, a Python DataSet API, the new SQL-like Table API, FlinkML, a machine learning library on Flink, Gelly, FLink’s Graph API, as well as a mode to run Flink on YARN leveraging Tez. In case you missed it, check out the release announcement blog post for details
Conferences and meetups #
April kicked off the conference season. Apache Flink was presented at ApacheCon in Texas (slides), the Hadoop Summit in Brussels featured two talks on Flink (see slides here and here), as well as at the Hadoop User Groups of the Netherlands (slides) and Stockholm. The brand new Apache Flink meetup Stockholm was also established.
Google Summer of Code #
Three students will work on Flink during Google’s Summer of Code program on distributed pattern matching, exact and approximate statistics for data streams and windows, as well as asynchronous iterations and updates.
Flink on the web #
Fabian Hueske gave an interview at InfoQ on Apache Flink.
Upcoming events #
Stay tuned for a wealth of upcoming events! Two Flink talsk will be presented at Berlin Buzzwords, Flink will be presented at the Hadoop Summit in San Jose. A training workshop on Apache Flink is being organized in Berlin. Finally, Flink Forward, the first conference to bring together the whole Flink community is taking place in Berlin in October 2015.