Apache Flink 0.9.1 available
September 1, 2015 -The Flink community is happy to announce that Flink 0.9.1 is now available.
0.9.1 is a maintenance release, which includes a lot of minor fixes across several parts of the system. We suggest all users of Flink to work with this latest stable version.
Download the release and [check out the documentation]({{ site.docs-stable }}). Feedback through the Flink mailing lists is, as always, very welcome!
The following issues were fixed for this release:
- FLINK-1916 EOFException when running delta-iteration job
- FLINK-2089 “Buffer recycled” IllegalStateException during cancelling
- FLINK-2189 NullPointerException in MutableHashTable
- FLINK-2205 Confusing entries in JM Webfrontend Job Configuration section
- FLINK-2229 Data sets involving non-primitive arrays cannot be unioned
- FLINK-2238 Scala ExecutionEnvironment.fromCollection does not work with Sets
- FLINK-2248 Allow disabling of sdtout logging output
- FLINK-2257 Open and close of RichWindowFunctions is not called
- FLINK-2262 ParameterTool API misnamed function
- FLINK-2280 GenericTypeComparator.compare() does not respect ascending flag
- FLINK-2285 Active policy emits elements of the last window twice
- FLINK-2286 Window ParallelMerge sometimes swallows elements of the last window
- FLINK-2293 Division by Zero Exception
- FLINK-2298 Allow setting custom YARN application names through the CLI
- FLINK-2347 Rendering problem with Documentation website
- FLINK-2353 Hadoop mapred IOFormat wrappers do not respect JobConfigurable interface
- FLINK-2356 Resource leak in checkpoint coordinator
- FLINK-2361 CompactingHashTable loses entries
- FLINK-2362 distinct is missing in DataSet API documentation
- FLINK-2381 Possible class not found Exception on failed partition producer
- FLINK-2384 Deadlock during partition spilling
- FLINK-2386 Implement Kafka connector using the new Kafka Consumer API
- FLINK-2394 HadoopOutFormat OutputCommitter is default to FileOutputCommiter
- FLINK-2412 Race leading to IndexOutOfBoundsException when querying for buffer while releasing SpillablePartition
- FLINK-2422 Web client is showing a blank page if “Meta refresh” is disabled in browser
- FLINK-2424 InstantiationUtil.serializeObject(Object) does not close output stream
- FLINK-2437 TypeExtractor.analyzePojo has some problems around the default constructor detection
- FLINK-2442 PojoType fields not supported by field position keys
- FLINK-2447 TypeExtractor returns wrong type info when a Tuple has two fields of the same POJO type
- FLINK-2450 IndexOutOfBoundsException in KryoSerializer
- FLINK-2460 ReduceOnNeighborsWithExceptionITCase failure
- FLINK-2527 If a VertexUpdateFunction calls setNewVertexValue more than once, the MessagingFunction will only see the first value set
- FLINK-2540 LocalBufferPool.requestBuffer gets into infinite loop
- FLINK-2542 It should be documented that it is required from a join key to override hashCode(), when it is not a POJO
- FLINK-2555 Hadoop Input/Output Formats are unable to access secured HDFS clusters
- FLINK-2560 Flink-Avro Plugin cannot be handled by Eclipse
- FLINK-2572 Resolve base path of symlinked executable
- FLINK-2584 ASM dependency is not shaded away