Flink 0.10.1 released
November 27, 2015 -Today, the Flink community released the first bugfix release of the 0.10 series of Flink.
We recommend all users updating to this release, by bumping the version of your Flink dependencies and updating the binaries on the server.
Issues fixed #
- [FLINK-2879] - Links in documentation are broken
- [FLINK-2938] - Streaming docs not in sync with latest state changes
- [FLINK-2942] - Dangling operators in web UI's program visualization (non-deterministic)
- [FLINK-2967] - TM address detection might not always detect the right interface on slow networks / overloaded JMs
- [FLINK-2977] - Cannot access HBase in a Kerberos secured Yarn cluster
- [FLINK-2987] - Flink 0.10 fails to start on YARN 2.6.0
- [FLINK-2989] - Job Cancel button doesn't work on Yarn
- [FLINK-3005] - Commons-collections object deserialization remote command execution vulnerability
- [FLINK-3011] - Cannot cancel failing/restarting streaming job from the command line
- [FLINK-3019] - CLI does not list running/restarting jobs
- [FLINK-3020] - Local streaming execution: set number of task manager slots to the maximum parallelism
- [FLINK-3024] - TimestampExtractor Does not Work When returning Long.MIN_VALUE
- [FLINK-3032] - Flink does not start on Hadoop 2.7.1 (HDP), due to class conflict
- [FLINK-3043] - Kafka Connector description in Streaming API guide is wrong/outdated
- [FLINK-3047] - Local batch execution: set number of task manager slots to the maximum parallelism
- [FLINK-3052] - Optimizer does not push properties out of bulk iterations
- [FLINK-2966] - Improve the way job duration is reported on web frontend.
- [FLINK-2974] - Add periodic offset commit to Kafka Consumer if checkpointing is disabled
- [FLINK-3028] - Cannot cancel restarting job via web frontend
- [FLINK-3040] - Add docs describing how to configure State Backends
- [FLINK-3041] - Twitter Streaming Description section of Streaming Programming guide refers to an incorrect example 'TwitterLocal'