Apache Flink 1.5.3 Released

August 21, 2018 -

The Apache Flink community released the third bugfix version of the Apache Flink 1.5 series.

This release includes more than 20 fixes and minor improvements for Flink 1.5.3. The list below includes a detailed list of all fixes.

We highly recommend all users to upgrade to Flink 1.5.3.

Updated Maven dependencies:


You can find the binaries on the updated Downloads page.

List of resolved issues:



  • [FLINK-5750] - Incorrect translation of n-ary Union
  • [FLINK-9289] - Parallelism of generated operators should have max parallism of input
  • [FLINK-9546] - The heartbeatTimeoutIntervalMs of HeartbeatMonitor should be larger than 0
  • [FLINK-9655] - Externalized checkpoint E2E test fails on travis
  • [FLINK-9693] - Possible memory leak in jobmanager retaining archived checkpoints
  • [FLINK-9694] - Potentially NPE in CompositeTypeSerializerConfigSnapshot constructor
  • [FLINK-9923] - OneInputStreamTaskTest.testWatermarkMetrics fails on Travis
  • [FLINK-9935] - Batch Table API: grouping by window and attribute causes java.lang.ClassCastException:
  • [FLINK-9936] - Mesos resource manager unable to connect to master after failover
  • [FLINK-9946] - Quickstart E2E test archetype version is hard-coded
  • [FLINK-9969] - Unreasonable memory requirements to complete examples/batch/WordCount
  • [FLINK-9972] - Debug memory logging not working
  • [FLINK-9978] - Source release sha contains absolute file path
  • [FLINK-9985] - Incorrect parameter order in document
  • [FLINK-9988] - job manager does not respect property jobmanager.web.address
  • [FLINK-10013] - Fix Kerberos integration for FLIP-6 YarnTaskExecutorRunner
  • [FLINK-10033] - Let Task release reference to Invokable on shutdown
  • [FLINK-10070] - Flink cannot be compiled with maven 3.0.x

New Feature


  • [FLINK-9446] - Compatibility table not up-to-date
  • [FLINK-9765] - Improve CLI responsiveness when cluster is not reachable
  • [FLINK-9806] - Add a canonical link element to documentation HTML
  • [FLINK-9859] - More Akka config options
  • [FLINK-9942] - Guard handlers against null fields in requests
  • [FLINK-9986] - Remove unnecessary information from .version.properties file
  • [FLINK-9987] - Rework ClassLoader E2E test to not rely on .version.properties file
  • [FLINK-10006] - Improve logging in BarrierBuffer
  • [FLINK-10016] - Make YARN/Kerberos end-to-end test stricter