Apache Flink 1.5.4 Released

September 20, 2018 -

The Apache Flink community released the fourth bugfix version of the Apache Flink 1.5 series.

This release includes more than 20 fixes and minor improvements for Flink 1.5.4. The list below includes a detailed list of all fixes.

We highly recommend all users to upgrade to Flink 1.5.4.

Updated Maven dependencies:


You can find the binaries on the updated Downloads page.

List of resolved issues:


  • [FLINK-9878] - IO worker threads BLOCKED on SSL Session Cache while CMS full gc
  • [FLINK-10011] - Old job resurrected during HA failover
  • [FLINK-10101] - Mesos web ui url is missing.
  • [FLINK-10115] - Content-length limit is also applied to FileUploads
  • [FLINK-10116] - createComparator fails on case class with Unit type fields prior to the join-key
  • [FLINK-10141] - Reduce lock contention introduced with 1.5
  • [FLINK-10142] - Reduce synchronization overhead for credit notifications
  • [FLINK-10150] - Chained batch operators interfere with each other other
  • [FLINK-10172] - Inconsistentcy in ExpressionParser and ExpressionDsl for order by asc/desc
  • [FLINK-10193] - Default RPC timeout is used when triggering savepoint via JobMasterGateway
  • [FLINK-10204] - StreamElementSerializer#copy broken for LatencyMarkers
  • [FLINK-10255] - Standby Dispatcher locks submitted JobGraphs
  • [FLINK-10261] - INSERT INTO does not work with ORDER BY clause
  • [FLINK-10267] - [State] Fix arbitrary iterator access on RocksDBMapIterator
  • [FLINK-10293] - RemoteStreamEnvironment does not forward port to RestClusterClient
  • [FLINK-10314] - Blocking calls in Execution Graph creation bring down cluster
  • [FLINK-10328] - Stopping the ZooKeeperSubmittedJobGraphStore should release all currently held locks
  • [FLINK-10329] - Fail with exception if job cannot be removed by ZooKeeperSubmittedJobGraphStore#removeJobGraph


  • [FLINK-10082] - Initialize StringBuilder in Slf4jReporter with estimated size
  • [FLINK-10131] - Improve logging around ResultSubpartition
  • [FLINK-10137] - YARN: Log completed Containers
  • [FLINK-10185] - Make ZooKeeperStateHandleStore#releaseAndTryRemove synchronous
  • [FLINK-10223] - TaskManagers should log their ResourceID during startup
  • [FLINK-10301] - Allow a custom Configuration in StreamNetworkBenchmarkEnvironment