Apache Flink 1.11.2 Released

September 17, 2020 - Zhu Zhu (@zhuzhv)

The Apache Flink community released the second bugfix version of the Apache Flink 1.11 series.

This release includes 96 fixes and minor improvements for Flink 1.11.1. The list below includes a detailed list of all fixes and improvements.

We highly recommend all users to upgrade to Flink 1.11.2.

Updated Maven dependencies:


You can find the binaries on the updated Downloads page.

List of resolved issues:


  • [FLINK-16087] - Translate "Detecting Patterns" page of "Streaming Concepts" into Chinese
  • [FLINK-18264] - Translate the "External Resource Framework" page into Chinese
  • [FLINK-18628] - Invalid error message for overloaded methods with same parameter name
  • [FLINK-18801] - Add a "10 minutes to Table API" document under the "Python API" -> "User Guide" -> "Table API" section
  • [FLINK-18910] - Create the new document structure for Python documentation according to FLIP-133
  • [FLINK-18912] - Add a Table API tutorial link(linked to try-flink/python_table_api.md) under the "Python API" -> "GettingStart" -> "Tutorial" section
  • [FLINK-18913] - Add a "TableEnvironment" document under the "Python API" -> "User Guide" -> "Table API" section
  • [FLINK-18917] - Add a "Built-in Functions" link (linked to dev/table/functions/systemFunctions.md) under the "Python API" -> "User Guide" -> "Table API" section
  • [FLINK-19110] - Flatten current PyFlink documentation structure


  • [FLINK-14087] - throws java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when emiting the data using RebalancePartitioner.
  • [FLINK-15467] - Should wait for the end of the source thread during the Task cancellation
  • [FLINK-16510] - Task manager safeguard shutdown may not be reliable
  • [FLINK-16827] - StreamExecTemporalSort should require a distribution trait in StreamExecTemporalSortRule
  • [FLINK-18081] - Fix broken links in "Kerberos Authentication Setup and Configuration" doc
  • [FLINK-18212] - Init lookup join failed when use udf on lookup table
  • [FLINK-18341] - Building Flink Walkthrough Table Java 0.1 COMPILATION ERROR
  • [FLINK-18421] - Elasticsearch (v6.3.1) sink end-to-end test instable
  • [FLINK-18468] - TaskExecutorITCase.testJobReExecutionAfterTaskExecutorTermination fails with DuplicateJobSubmissionException
  • [FLINK-18552] - Update migration tests in master to cover migration from release-1.11
  • [FLINK-18581] - Cannot find GC cleaner with java version previous jdk8u72(-b01)
  • [FLINK-18588] - hive ddl create table should support 'if not exists'
  • [FLINK-18595] - Deadlock during job shutdown
  • [FLINK-18600] - Kerberized YARN per-job on Docker test failed to download JDK 8u251
  • [FLINK-18608] - CustomizedConvertRule#convertCast drops nullability
  • [FLINK-18612] - WordCount example failure when setting relative output path
  • [FLINK-18632] - RowData's row kind do not assigned from input row data when sink code generate and physical type info is pojo type
  • [FLINK-18639] - Error messages from BashJavaUtils are eaten
  • [FLINK-18641] - "Failure to finalize checkpoint" error in MasterTriggerRestoreHook
  • [FLINK-18646] - Managed memory released check can block RPC thread
  • [FLINK-18650] - The description of dispatcher in Flink Architecture document is not accurate
  • [FLINK-18655] - Set failOnUnableToExtractRepoInfo to false for git-commit-id-plugin in module flink-runtime
  • [FLINK-18656] - Start Delay metric is always zero for unaligned checkpoints
  • [FLINK-18659] - FileNotFoundException when writing Hive orc tables
  • [FLINK-18663] - RestServerEndpoint may prevent server shutdown
  • [FLINK-18665] - Filesystem connector should use TableSchema exclude computed columns
  • [FLINK-18672] - Fix Scala code examples for UDF type inference annotations
  • [FLINK-18677] - ZooKeeperLeaderRetrievalService does not invalidate leader in case of SUSPENDED connection
  • [FLINK-18682] - Vector orc reader cannot read Hive 2.0.0 table
  • [FLINK-18697] - Adding flink-table-api-java-bridge_2.11 to a Flink job kills the IDE logging
  • [FLINK-18700] - Debezium-json format throws Exception when PG table's IDENTITY config is not FULL
  • [FLINK-18705] - Debezium-JSON throws NPE when tombstone message is received
  • [FLINK-18708] - The links of the connector sql jar of Kafka 0.10 and 0.11 are extinct
  • [FLINK-18710] - ResourceProfileInfo is not serializable
  • [FLINK-18748] - Savepoint would be queued unexpected if pendingCheckpoints less than maxConcurrentCheckpoints
  • [FLINK-18749] - Correct dependencies in Kubernetes pom
  • [FLINK-18750] - SqlValidatorException thrown when select from a view which contains a UDTF call
  • [FLINK-18769] - MiniBatch doesn't work with FLIP-95 source
  • [FLINK-18821] - Netty client retry mechanism may cause PartitionRequestClientFactory#createPartitionRequestClient to wait infinitely
  • [FLINK-18832] - BoundedBlockingSubpartition does not work with StreamTask
  • [FLINK-18856] - CheckpointCoordinator ignores checkpointing.min-pause
  • [FLINK-18859] - ExecutionGraphNotEnoughResourceTest.testRestartWithSlotSharingAndNotEnoughResources failed with "Condition was not met in given timeout."
  • [FLINK-18862] - Fix LISTAGG throws BinaryRawValueData cannot be cast to StringData exception in runtime
  • [FLINK-18867] - Generic table stored in Hive catalog is incompatible between 1.10 and 1.11
  • [FLINK-18900] - HiveCatalog should error out when listing partitions with an invalid spec
  • [FLINK-18902] - Cannot serve results of asynchronous REST operations in per-job mode
  • [FLINK-18941] - There are some typos in "Set up JobManager Memory"
  • [FLINK-18942] - HiveTableSink shouldn't try to create BulkWriter factory when using MR writer
  • [FLINK-18956] - StreamTask.invoke should catch Throwable instead of Exception
  • [FLINK-18959] - Fail to archiveExecutionGraph because job is not finished when dispatcher close
  • [FLINK-18992] - Table API renameColumns method annotation error
  • [FLINK-18993] - Invoke sanityCheckTotalFlinkMemory method incorrectly in JobManagerFlinkMemoryUtils.java
  • [FLINK-18994] - There is one typo in "Set up TaskManager Memory"
  • [FLINK-19040] - SourceOperator is not closing SourceReader
  • [FLINK-19061] - HiveCatalog fails to get partition column stats if partition value contains special characters
  • [FLINK-19094] - Revise the description of watermark strategy in Flink Table document
  • [FLINK-19108] - Stop expanding the identifiers with scope aliased by the system with 'EXPR$' prefix
  • [FLINK-19109] - Split Reader eats chained periodic watermarks
  • [FLINK-19121] - Avoid accessing HDFS frequently in HiveBulkWriterFactory
  • [FLINK-19133] - User provided kafka partitioners are not initialized correctly
  • [FLINK-19148] - Table crashed in Flink Table API & SQL Docs
  • [FLINK-19166] - StreamingFileWriter should register Listener before the initialization of buckets


  • [FLINK-16619] - Misleading SlotManagerImpl logging for slot reports of unknown task manager
  • [FLINK-17075] - Add task status reconciliation between TM and JM
  • [FLINK-17285] - Translate "Python Table API" page into Chinese
  • [FLINK-17503] - Make memory configuration logging more user-friendly
  • [FLINK-18598] - Add instructions for asynchronous execute in PyFlink doc
  • [FLINK-18618] - Docker e2e tests are failing on CI
  • [FLINK-18619] - Update training to use WatermarkStrategy
  • [FLINK-18635] - Typo in 'concepts/timely stream processing' part of the website
  • [FLINK-18643] - Migrate Jenkins jobs to ci-builds.apache.org
  • [FLINK-18644] - Remove obsolete doc for hive connector
  • [FLINK-18730] - Remove Beta tag from SQL Client docs
  • [FLINK-18772] - Hide submit job web ui elements when running in per-job/application mode
  • [FLINK-18793] - Fix Typo for api.common.eventtime.WatermarkStrategy Description
  • [FLINK-18797] - docs and examples use deprecated forms of keyBy
  • [FLINK-18816] - Correct API usage in Pyflink Dependency Management page
  • [FLINK-18831] - Improve the Python documentation about the operations in Table
  • [FLINK-18839] - Add documentation about how to use catalog in Python Table API
  • [FLINK-18847] - Add documentation about data types in Python Table API
  • [FLINK-18849] - Improve the code tabs of the Flink documents
  • [FLINK-18881] - Modify the Access Broken Link
  • [FLINK-19055] - MemoryManagerSharedResourcesTest contains three tests running extraordinary long
  • [FLINK-19105] - Table API Sample Code Error


  • [FLINK-18666] - Update japicmp configuration for 1.11.1
  • [FLINK-18667] - Data Types documentation misunderstand users
  • [FLINK-18678] - Hive connector fails to create vector orc reader if user specifies incorrect hive version