Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.1.0 Release Announcement

July 25, 2022 - Gyula Fora (@GyulaFora) Matyas Orhidi

The community has continued to work hard on improving the Flink Kubernetes Operator capabilities since our first production ready release we launched about two months ago.

With the release of Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.1.0 we are proud to announce a number of exciting new features improving the overall experience of managing Flink resources and the operator itself in production environments.

Release Highlights #

A non-exhaustive list of some of the more exciting features added in the release:

  • Kubernetes Events on application and job state changes
  • New operator metrics
  • Unified and more robust reconciliation flow
  • Periodic savepoints
  • Custom Flink Resource Listeners
  • Dynamic watched namespaces
  • New built-in examples For Flink SQL and PyFlink
  • Experimental autoscaling support

Kubernetes Events for Application and Job State Changes #

The operator now emits native Kubernetes Events on relevant Flink Deployment and Job changes. This includes status changes, custom resource specification changes, deployment failures, etc.

  Type    Reason         Age   From                  Message
  ----    ------         ----  ----                  -------
  Normal  Submit         53m   JobManagerDeployment  Starting deployment
  Normal  StatusChanged  52m   Job                   Job status changed from RECONCILING to CREATED
  Normal  StatusChanged  52m   Job                   Job status changed from CREATED to RUNNING

New Operator Metrics #

The first version of the operator only came with basic system level metrics to monitor the JVM process.

In 1.1.0 we have introduced a wide range of additional metrics related to lifecycle-management, Kubernetes API server access and the Java Operator SDK framework the operator itself is built on. These metrics allow operator administrators to get a comprehensive view of what’s happening in the environment.

For details check the list of supported metrics.

Unified and more robust reconciliation flow #

We have refactored and streamlined the core reconciliation flow responsible for executing and tracking resource upgrades, savepoints, rollbacks and other operations.

In the process we made a number of important improvements to tolerate operator failures and temporary Kubernetes API outages more gracefully, which is critical in production environments.

Periodic Savepoints #

By popular demand we have introduced periodic savepoints for applications and session jobs using a the following simple configuration option:

  kubernetes.operator.periodic.savepoint.interval: 6h

Old savepoints are cleaned up automatically according to the user configured policy:

kubernetes.operator.savepoint.history.max.count: 5
kubernetes.operator.savepoint.history.max.age: 48h

The operator allows users to listen to events and status updates triggered for the Flink Resources managed by the operator.

This feature enables tighter integration with the user’s own data platform. By implementing the FlinkResourceListener interface users can listen to both events and status updates per resource type (FlinkDeployment / FlinkSessionJob). The interface methods will be called after the respective events have been triggered by the system.

New SQL and Python Job Examples #

To demonstrate the power of the operator for all Flink use-cases, we have added examples showcasing how to deploy Flink SQL and Python jobs.

We have also added a brief README for the examples to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for.

Dynamic watched namespaces #

The operator can watch and manage custom resources in an arbitrary list of namespaces. The watched namespaces can be defined through the property kubernetes.operator.watched.namespaces: ns1,ns2. The list of watched namespaces can be changed anytime in the corresponding config map, however the operator ignores the changes unless dynamic watched namespaces is enabled.

This is controlled by the property kubernetes.operator.dynamic.namespaces.enabled: true.

Experimental autoscaling support #

In this version we have taken the first steps toward enabling Kubernetes native autoscaling integration for the operator. The FlinkDeployment CRD now exposes the scale subresource which allows us to create HPA policies directly in Kubernetes that will monitor the task manager pods.

This integration is still very much experimental but we are planning to build on top of this in the upcoming releases to provide a reliable scaling mechanism.

You can find an example scaling policy here.

What’s Next? #

In the coming months, our focus will be on the following key areas:

  • Standalone deployment mode support
  • Hardening of rollback mechanism and stability conditions
  • Scaling improvements
  • Support for older Flink versions

These features will allow the operator and users to benefit more from the recent advancements in Flink’s scheduling capabilities.

Upgrading to 1.1.0 #

The new 1.1.0 release is backward compatible as long as you follow our operator upgrade quide.

Please ensure that CRDs are updated in order to enable some of the new features.

The upgrade should not impact any currently deployed Flink resources.

Release Resources #

The source artifacts and helm chart are available on the Downloads page of the Flink website. You can easily try out the new features shipped in the official 1.1.0 release by following our quickstart guide.

You can also find official Kubernetes Operator Docker images of the new version on Dockerhub.

For more details, check the updated documentation and the release notes. We encourage you to download the release and share your feedback with the community through the Flink mailing lists or JIRA.

List of Contributors #

Aitozi, Biao Geng, Chethan, ConradJam, Dora Marsal, Gyula Fora, Hao Xin, Hector Miuler Malpica Gallegos, Jaganathan Asokan, Jeesmon Jacob, Jim Busche, Maksim Aniskov, Marton Balassi, Matyas Orhidi, Nicholas Jiang, Peng Yuan, Peter Vary, Thomas Weise, Xin Hao, Yang Wang