Apache Flink 1.15.2 Release Announcement

August 24, 2022 - Danny Cranmer

The Apache Flink Community is pleased to announce the second bug fix release of the Flink 1.15 series.

This release includes 30 bug fixes, vulnerability fixes, and minor improvements for Flink 1.15. Below you will find a list of all bugfixes and improvements (excluding improvements to the build infrastructure and build stability). For a complete list of all changes see: JIRA.

We highly recommend all users upgrade to Flink 1.15.2.

Release Artifacts #

Maven Dependencies #


Binaries #

You can find the binaries on the updated Downloads page.

Docker Images #

PyPi #

Upgrade Notes #

For Table API: 1.15.0 and 1.15.1 generated non-deterministic UIDs for operators that make it difficult/impossible to restore state or upgrade to next patch version. A new table.exec.uid.generation config option (with correct default behavior) disables setting a UID for new pipelines from non-compiled plans. Existing pipelines can set table.exec.uid.generation=ALWAYS if the 1.15.0/1 behavior was acceptable due to a stable environment. See FLINK-28861 for more information.

Release Notes #


  • [FLINK-23528] - stop-with-savepoint can fail with FlinkKinesisConsumer
  • [FLINK-25097] - Bug in inner join when the filter condition is boolean type
  • [FLINK-26931] - Pulsar sink's producer name should be unique
  • [FLINK-27399] - Pulsar connector didn't set start consuming position correctly
  • [FLINK-27570] - Checkpoint path error does not cause the job to stop
  • [FLINK-27794] - The primary key obtained from MySQL is incorrect by using MysqlCatalog
  • [FLINK-27856] - Adding pod template without spec crashes job manager
  • [FLINK-28027] - Initialise Async Sink maximum number of in flight messages to low number for rate limiting strategy
  • [FLINK-28057] - LD_PRELOAD is hardcoded to x64 on flink-docker
  • [FLINK-28226] - 'Run kubernetes pyflink application test' fails while pulling image
  • [FLINK-28239] - Table-Planner-Loader lacks access to commons-math3
  • [FLINK-28240] - NettyShuffleMetricFactory#RequestedMemoryUsageMetric#getValue may throw ArithmeticException when the total segments of NetworkBufferPool is 0
  • [FLINK-28250] - exactly-once sink kafka cause out of memory
  • [FLINK-28269] - Kubernetes test failed with permission denied
  • [FLINK-28322] - DataStreamScanProvider's new method is not compatible
  • [FLINK-28357] - Watermark issue when recovering Finished sources
  • [FLINK-28404] - Annotation @InjectClusterClient does not work correctly with RestClusterClient
  • [FLINK-28454] - Fix the wrong timestamp example of KafkaSource
  • [FLINK-28577] - 1.15.1 web ui console report error about checkpoint size
  • [FLINK-28602] - StateChangeFsUploader cannot close stream normally while enabling compression
  • [FLINK-28817] - NullPointerException in HybridSource when restoring from checkpoint
  • [FLINK-28835] - Savepoint and checkpoint capabilities and limitations table is incorrect
  • [FLINK-28861] - Non-deterministic UID generation might cause issues during restore
  • [FLINK-28880] - Fix CEP doc with wrong result of strict contiguity of looping patterns
  • [FLINK-28908] - Coder for LIST type is incorrectly chosen is PyFlink
  • [FLINK-28978] - Kinesis connector doesn't work for new AWS regions
  • [FLINK-28994] - Enable withCredentials for Flink UI


  • [FLINK-27199] - Bump Pulsar to 2.10.0 for fixing the unstable Pulsar test environment.
  • [FLINK-27865] - Add guide and example for configuring SASL and SSL in Kafka SQL connector document
  • [FLINK-28094] - Upgrade AWS SDK to support ap-southeast-3
  • [FLINK-28140] - Improve the documentation by adding Python examples
  • [FLINK-28486] - [docs-zh] Flink FileSystem SQL Connector Doc is not right