Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.7.0 Release Announcement

November 22, 2023 - Gyula Fora (@GyulaFora) Rui Fan (@1996fanrui)

The Apache Flink community is excited to announce the release of Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.7.0! The release introduces a large number of improvements to the autoscaler, including a complete decoupling from Kubernetes to support more Flink environments in the future. It’s important to call out that the release explicitly drops support for Flink 1.13 and 1.14 as agreed by the community. We encourage you to download the release and share your feedback with the community through the Flink mailing lists or JIRA! ...

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Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.6.1 Release Announcement

October 27, 2023 - Rui Fan (@1996fanrui)

The Apache Flink Community is pleased to announce the first bug fix release of the Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.6 series. The release contains fixes for several critical issues, and some doc improvements for the autoscaler. We highly recommend all users to upgrade to Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.6.1. Release Notes # Bug # [FLINK-32890] Correct HA patch check for zookeeper metadata store [FLINK-33011] Never accidentally delete HA metadata for last state deployments Documentation improvement # [FLINK-32868][docs] Document the need to backport FLINK-30213 for using autoscaler with older version Flinks [docs][autoscaler] Autoscaler docs and default config improvement Release Resources # The source artifacts and helm chart are available on the Downloads page of the Flink website. ...

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Announcing the Release of Apache Flink 1.18

October 24, 2023 - Jing Ge (@jingengineer) Konstantin Knauf (@snntrable) Sergey Nuyanzin (@uckamello) Qingsheng Ren (@renqstuite)

The Apache Flink PMC is pleased to announce the release of Apache Flink 1.18.0. As usual, we are looking at a packed release with a wide variety of improvements and new features. Overall, 174 people contributed to this release completing 18 FLIPS and 700+ issues. Thank you! Let’s dive into the highlights. Towards a Streaming Lakehouse # Flink SQL Improvements # Introduce Flink JDBC Driver For SQL Gateway # Flink 1. ...

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Stateful Functions 3.3.0 Release Announcement

September 19, 2023 - Martijn Visser (@MartijnVisser82)

The Apache Flink community is excited to announce the release of Stateful Functions 3.3.0! Stateful Functions is a cross-platform stack for building Stateful Serverless applications, making it radically simpler to develop scalable, consistent, and elastic distributed applications. This new release upgrades the Flink runtime to 1.16.2. The binary distribution and source artifacts are now available on the updated Downloads page of the Flink website, and the most recent Java SDK, Python SDK,, GoLang SDK and JavaScript SDK distributions are available on Maven, PyPI, Github, and npm respectively. ...

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Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.6.0 Release Announcement

August 15, 2023 - Gyula Fora (@GyulaFora)

The Apache Flink community is excited to announce the release of Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.6.0! The release features a large number of improvements all across the operator. We encourage you to download the release and share your feedback with the community through the Flink mailing lists or JIRA! We hope you like the new release and we’d be eager to learn about your experience with it. Highlights # Improved and simplified rollback mechanism # Previously the rollback mechanism had some serious limitations always requiring the presence of HA metadata. ...

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Announcing three new Apache Flink connectors, the new connector versioning strategy and externalization

August 4, 2023 - Elphas Toringepi (@elphastori)

New connectors # We’re excited to announce that Apache Flink now supports three new connectors: Amazon DynamoDB, MongoDB and OpenSearch! The connectors are available for both the DataStream and Table/SQL APIs. Amazon DynamoDB - This connector includes a sink that provides at-least-once delivery guarantees. MongoDB connector - This connector includes a source and sink that provide at-least-once guarantees. OpenSearch sink - This connector includes a sink that provides at-least-once guarantees. ...

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SIGMOD Systems Award for Apache Flink

July 3, 2023 - Hang Ruan

Apache Flink received the 2023 SIGMOD Systems Award, which is awarded to an individual or set of individuals to recognize the development of a software or hardware system whose technical contributions have had significant impact on the theory or practice of large-scale data management systems: The 2023 SIGMOD Systems Award goes to Apache Flink: “Apache Flink greatly expanded the use of stream data-processing.” Winning of SIGMOD Systems Award indicates the high recognition of Flink’s technological advancement and industry influence from academia. ...

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Apache Flink 1.16.2 Release Announcement

May 25, 2023 - Weijie Guo (@WeijieGuo12)

The Apache Flink Community is pleased to announce the second bug fix release of the Flink 1.16 series. This release includes 104 bug fixes, vulnerability fixes, and minor improvements for Flink 1.16. Below you will find a list of all bugfixes and improvements (excluding improvements to the build infrastructure and build stability). For a complete list of all changes see: JIRA. We highly recommend all users upgrade to Flink 1.16.2. ...

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Apache Flink 1.17.1 Release Announcement

May 25, 2023 - Weijie Guo (@WeijieGuo12)

The Apache Flink Community is pleased to announce the first bug fix release of the Flink 1.17 series. This release includes 75 bug fixes, vulnerability fixes, and minor improvements for Flink 1.17. Below you will find a list of all bugfixes and improvements (excluding improvements to the build infrastructure and build stability). For a complete list of all changes see: JIRA. We highly recommend all users upgrade to Flink 1.17.1. ...

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Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.5.0 Release Announcement

May 17, 2023 - Gyula Fora (@GyulaFora)

The Apache Flink community is excited to announce the release of Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.5.0! The release focuses on improvements to the job autoscaler that was introduced in the previous release and general operational hardening of the operator. We encourage you to download the release and share your feedback with the community through the Flink mailing lists or JIRA! We hope you like the new release and we’d be eager to learn about your experience with it. ...

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